The Reformation was a religious revolution in Western Europe. The christian religion grew so powerful that the Pope had greater military influence than some Kings. During this time, the renaissance period was well under way which changed how people viewed themselves. This new, humanism, philosophy removed religious doctrine and brought about man being determined by himself.
This new philosophy was thought by many in the church to be corrupt.
Martin Luther, the son of a miner, was born in 1483 is thought by many to be the leading light of the Reformation. In 1508, he taught philosophy at the university of Wittenberg, Germany. Two years after he visited Rome to find that the Italians ”made sport of the religion”. He was laughed at for his belief in the Scripture. Luther questioned many of the Church’s practices including Indulgences – the act for purchasing forgiveness for sins by giving money to the Church. He believed that salvation should could granted by faith in Christ alone.
One such occasion was when a Dominican monk, John Tetzel, came to Germany to sell the indulgences of pope Leo X. Forbidden entry to the electorate of Saxony, instead he came to neighboring Júterbogk. Shortly after on 31st October 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses (arguments about the way Church conducts its business) on the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany.
As a result, Luther He was put on trial in front of church officials to defend his theses.

I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe.
Martin Luther, 1521
Luther declared heretic
In January 1521, the Church excommunicated Luther and declared him heretic. While leaving the world he knew behind him, Luther took this new found freedom to spread his arguments across Europe. He even employed the latest technology, the printing press, to help spread his word.
These new ideas inspired many others to challenge the Church – splitting the Christian religion in two; the Catholics and Protestants.
These changes affect peoples general access the Christian religion. Martin Luther and other Reformists translated the Bible from the Latin texted know only to the nobility in German, English and French.
The reformation changed the face of Christianity forever…